From the Experts | Montrium Services Blog

Meet the Montrium Team: Frederic Landry

Written by Oliver Pearce | July 7, 2014 at 8:00 PM

This month we interviewed Fred, Montrium's Director of Product Management to dive a little deeper into what Fred brings to the team. Fred tells us what he enjoy's about his job the most, as well letting us know his 3 desert island must-haves.


What was the first project you ever worked on for a client?

My first client project was to define the processes supported by a CTMS (Clinical Trial Management System).  This was done in order to identify and palliate potential gaps with this new system and to create its associated procedural documents (SOPs, WI, etc.) and training materials. Yes, very fun stuff!


What do you enjoy most about your job?

The atmosphere and the challenge. I am lucky enough to share an office with a group of very intelligent, knowledgeable and hardworking professionals. The conversations are animated, the debates lively, the passions palpable and the dedications unquestionable. I still feel that I learn something every day and this is really what keeps me motivated, on top of having a great group of co-worker's I know I can count on to get quality work done.


Stuck on a desert island, what 3 things would you bring with you?

My lap top, a stationary bike to power my lap-top, and a genie lamp with three wishes left.


What makes you get out of bed in the morning?

I have a very sophisticated alarm clock with legs that can jump on my bed and repeats “daddy” all over again until I get up!


What is your proudest work achievement?

Implementing a common language that lightens system documentation while allowing specifications to be clearly understood by members of the business, the development and the test team. People often say i speak in diagrams.  


To succeed, a project manager/business analyst must? 

There are countless blogs out there telling you what skills a BA should have so I will try to stay away from the classics (analytical mind, communication skills, etc. you name it).  I would have to say that it is important to be able to easily navigate between the big picture and the details and to understand and consider both simultaneously. It is also very important to have the ability to document what is communicated in a way that it can be shared and understood by a large number of people with a variety of experiences, background and affinities. 


What are the traits you most and least admire in yourself?

Persistence for both. 


Who has had the biggest influence on your career?

That’s a difficult question…  I am an ex-athlete and I don’t look at my career as something different than any other aspect of my life that I am trying to get better at. I always look at people that showed great integrity and dedication through adversity as a driving force. I feel that passionate people are also very inspirational, as are individuals that didn’t let predispositions limit their ability to embrace life and reach their potential.


In your opinion, why is Montrium different from other organizations you have worked for?

We are truly a fun bunch of people to work with.  I am sure many of our clients can attest to the fact that we always seem to have fun at work and that’s because we do!  Even our competitors like to hang with us! We are also a very culturally and professionally diverse bunch of individuals and everyone plays a key role into making Montrium a success.  

What is your favourite quote?

“A wrong doesn’t make a right, but three lefts do!” - Frederic Landry